What is cloud-native?

Cloud-native refers to a software development and deployment approach that is specifically designed to leverage the advantages of cloud computing environments. It encompasses a set of principles, practices, and architectural patterns aimed at building and running applications that can fully exploit the scalability, resilience, and flexibility offered by cloud platforms. Cloud-native applications are typically developed, deployed, and managed with a focus on microservices, containerization, and DevOps practices.

In a cloud-native approach, applications are broken down into smaller, loosely-coupled microservices, which can be independently developed, deployed, and scaled. These microservices are often containerized using technologies like Docker and managed with orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes. Cloud-native applications are also characterized by their ability to automatically scale in response to changing workloads, self-heal in the event of failures, and leverage cloud-based services like databases, caching, and storage. This approach allows organizations to accelerate development cycles, improve resource utilization, and enhance the overall agility and efficiency of their software delivery processes, making it well-suited for modern cloud-based infrastructures.

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